Saturday, November 14, 2009

Use a fire extinguisher

Use a fire extinguisher

Walking around any public building, you should notice extinguishers scattered in the walls of the rooms and corridors. Each state has developed building codes that require public bodies to have certain fire safety standards in force. In addition to specifying the number of smoke detectors, sprinklers for residential needs, and the number of exits in a building, these rules also determine the number and location ofextinguishers inside.

As a civilian, you should familiarize yourself with the fire extinguisher, use of the base. Some employers will be implemented through training of their employees on fire safety, especially if there is an opportunity to be in a situation where they need to know how to extinguish a fire. However, many people do not give this type of education and therefore do not know how to properly handle a fire extinguisher. Armed with this knowledge is important, however. You never know whenneed to use these devices to keep a small fire becoming a tragic fire.

Types extinguishers

First, be aware that there are actually four different types of fire extinguishers, which fall within the classification from A to D. There is so because the basic ingredients of extinction - like water - can not extinguish fires determined.

Class A: Used in the fire, whose sources are fuels such as wood or plastic
KindB: Used in the fire, whose sources are flammable liquids such as gas
Class C: The use of electric lights
Class D: is used in case of fires caused by combustible metals

Remember: Only use an extinguisher to put out their specific types of fires. Not doing so could make things worse, making the call to respond and dissemination.

How to use a fire extinguisher

There is a basic rule you should remember when headed to a fire extinguisher to putFire: PASS. This logo represents the next series of events:

Pull The Pin extinguisher
Aim the extinguisher at the base of the flame
Squeeze the lever
Sweep the nozzle from left to right by a fire

Following these steps, you're fighting the fire more efficiently and a higher probability of extinction of the flame.


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